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About deadon500

  • Birthday 12/14/1951

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    Ogden Utah

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  • Index: 9
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. I have played Bridgestone balls for about 12- 15 yrs. 4 to 5 types the last 3 yrs. I play the E6 its the ball I know and trust.................
  2. I have 4 putters - 2 sit at home -- 1 gets out 3-4 times a year 1 is my go to 99% of time..
  3. What about moving holes around the green ????
  4. I have had 2 of those also. 7 and 15 yrs ago. Wear a lifting belt now to golf only. my swing is shorter now but I am a better golfer , a little shorter but in play a lot more. Hope it works out well for him............
  5. Yes 5-gw and I love them = 11/2 yrs. now....
  6. This year 5 eagles 121 birds 259 pars 159 bogies 14 doubles in my assoc. Need to cut down on doubles and bogies and I will be happy. Also in the club champion round I shot a 69 -- I am 71 in Dec.
  7. I have been a Bridgestone guy for a long time. Playing a lot of B330 , B330s , B12s now I play E6. Being 70 it is the best ball for me.
  8. I have 10 Maltby clubs in my bag -- 3 5 7 wood 1 hybrid and 6 irons and really like them..........
  9. GolfWorks I like there clibs
  10. 95 out of a 100 I use a 9 iron......
  11. NO I would play 9 or 18 all the time but can not winter thunderstorms ..............
  12. 36.00 for a uga card Utah.........
  13. Yep I have 2 of them 1 from 1967 the other from 2001 -- changed from those in 2020 -- have a HB soft center shaft now .................
  14. well my bag as Dec. 2020 a STf2 3 wood a UFW 7 wood a Callaway hybrid a Tour Edge hybrid 4 iron a 6-pw STi2 irons 3 wedges from Titleist and Taylormade === I like Golfworks clubs
  15. My 47 wedge 95 % 52 wedge 5%.
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