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About scotth

  • Birthday 12/13/1962

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    Colorado Springs

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  1. Was asked about this book recently and while I have heard mention of a more vertical swing am not familiar with the author. Anybody read it or have thoughts? Amazon.com
  2. Hello everybody! Looong time since I have visited the site here. For those that remember me, was starting to play again after many years because of a back injury that happened again. Played first round yesterday since 2019 and was about what you would expect after that long a time off. Erratic contact and distances with every club, but so happy to be pain free the next day. Goals for the rest of the year will be to play more and be pain free and get back to fairly consistent swing and contact.
  3. I got dizzy demoing n a pair of transition glasses at the store. Think it would be difficult to play golf using them.
  4. Hey All- Long time no posting here, but once again injured back and FINALLY back to swinging the clubs after another 2 year layout. This might be old news since I have been out of it for a while, but yesterday while at Costco noticed a big stack of these golf balls. https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-3-piece-v2.0-urethane-cover-golf-ball%2c-2-dozen.product.100695987.html Is this the one everybody was raving about a few years ago that was very similar to the Pro V-1?
  5. The thread title is the name of an interesting, if not alarming article that popped into my inbox earlier today. https://www.golfadvisor.com/articles/are-helmets-in-the-future-golf I don't see it happening, but if it did not sure how much golf I would be playing after that. Thoughts? Comments?
  6. Now that he is retiring from his broadcasting, I would love to see Johnny Miller as a captain. I know it would never happen, as he is seen as too controversial....... BUT imagine the conversations between him and the players behind closed doors.
  7. Saw the article. 2 strokes on average since the 90's doesn't seem like a big enough reason to warrant a discussion, at least in my mind, about a "distance" issue. My observation from our 2 years literally feet from a hole on a golf course, is people may be hitting longer but the 2 full 5 gallon buckets of golf balls I still have (after not buying a golf ball in 2 years) tells me they aren't hitting any straighter. :) And yes I did respond to the poll.
  8. Have watched this thread for a while, and really except for the PGA tour is hitting the golf ball further, overpowering courses really a problem??? At any course? Seems from what I have read and observed over the years, the average score across the country really hasn't dropped all that much even with longer balls, better equipment etc. Don't understand why this is an issue the USGA is worried about for the mere mortal golfer.
  9. It used to be getting away from the phone and enjoying the peace and quiet outdoors. Sadly those days seem to be more and more often going away as people can't turn their electronics off on the course. Have many friends that I rarely play golf with anymore because they spend more time texting, talking and tweeting than golfing. My favorite thing about golf is being outside away from the daily grind, enjoying the challenge of playing a game that can't ever really be perfected.
  10. My 3 wood that I have been using for a long, long time is 14 degrees and low profile. I use it on a lot, both from the fairway on and quite often off the tee. Back in the day it was marketed as a strong 3 and is usually my most trusted long club.
  11. Interesting, just watched a video on the bunt drive. I can think of a variety of times it might be used in future rounds. New idea and concept for me. Don't think I had ever heard the term Need to watch the video I saw a few more times and take this idea to the range to try it out.
  12. For me, if I get lazy and miss a few days of planks and stretching my back lets me know it when I golf. Really should just be happy to be playing golf after the initial injury and keep up the exercises, but sometimes I get off my routine.
  13. That's what I have done in the past. Sometimes can take a while when you have an area where the selection is large. Guess that is a good problem as opposed to where we moved from where you had very, very limited quality instructors and facilities.
  14. Perhaps a few tips or ideas on how to do that? Or link to thread where it has been discussed concisely? Just moved to new area that has MANY instructors and courses, some very well known, obviously many others that aren't... How do you find an instructor that is good for you and your game or personality?
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