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My Swing (jcm288)

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I've been Playing Golf for: A few rounds a year for the past several years. Seriously for the past 8 months
My current handicap index or average score is: Average score: mid-high 90s
My typical ball flight is: Has varied as changes are being made, but push/push-fade as of late. Toe hits are common. Occasional hook/pull-hook
The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Push/push-fade, toe hits, fat shots.


I've been going to a local pro every other month since early summer, and has helped tremendously. We initially worked on club path and maintaining a steady head. At our last lesson, we focused on my takeaway and my tendency to keep the club face closed to the top of the backswing (which is a new habit that's creeped in). In turn, we've also been working on club face control. Lately, I've been having trouble with toe hits and fat shots. I'm hoping to make it in for another lesson next month, schedule willing, but thought I'd go ahead and post my swing for some insight!






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Not much to change, honestly, given your scores. I think for you there's something to the idea of "getting used to the swing" a little bit, and I think there's probably something to the idea of just playing more golf.

For someone who shoots in the 90s, that's a pretty solid, good swing. How's your short game, putting, etc.?

(To be clear, there are some little things in there, but nothing that should stop you from shooting in the lower 80s.)

Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
Director of Instruction Golf Evolution • Owner, The Sand Trap .com • AuthorLowest Score Wins
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1 hour ago, iacas said:

(To be clear, there are some little things in there, but nothing that should stop you from shooting in the lower 80s.)

Agree, nice looking swing @Jcm288

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My short game is "ok" at this point, and is becoming more of a comfort zone for me. My putting is not great, as I haven't yet given it much attention. 3 putts are common and are definitely one reason for my higher scores.

This summer, I was able to limit OB shots off the tee by leaving my driver in the bag (my local course is tight and soaked in water. Perfect for course management golf). Hoping to ease back into using it over the winter

My pro also let me borrow his copy of "Lowest Score Wins". Great read so far

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I'm no expert, but your swing looks considerably more tidy/efficient than mine and I shoot low 90s/high 80s. Just play more golf and those scores are going to plummet. 

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23 hours ago, mvmac said:

Agree, nice looking swing @Jcm288

Thanks guys. It's come a long way since last spring. Despite the challenges, I have certainly enjoyed the process.

19 hours ago, Suchmo said:

I'm no expert, but your swing looks considerably more tidy/efficient than mine and I shoot low 90s/high 80s. Just play more golf and those scores are going to plummet. 

Thanks...if only my work didn't interfere with my tee times! I definitely look to play more through the winter

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26 minutes ago, Jcm288 said:

Thanks guys. It's come a long way since last spring. Despite the challenges, I have certainly enjoyed the process.

Look around the forum. LOTS of topics to read and in which you can post.

Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
Director of Instruction Golf Evolution • Owner, The Sand Trap .com • AuthorLowest Score Wins
Golf Digest "Best Young Teachers in America" 2016-17 & "Best in State" 2017-20 • WNY Section PGA Teacher of the Year 2019 :edel: :true_linkswear:

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Beautiful swing, im no expert, but looks like u got some nice lag going there. Safe to assume you get some nice distants off the tee box and fairway. I haven't been playing long, but every scratch golfer or teaching pro I have met... 75% of the game is from 130 in (my pw,52,56,60 and putter). I shoot around 10 because I have solid wedge game and good at reading putts...which saves me from my old horrific drives.  My issue is opposite of yours, my issue is off the tee box and getting it down, it's only been recent I learned to hit my driver because I finally bucked up and got a 2 hr lesson (for free, family friend) from the pga teaching pro by me. Hit the putting/chipping/sand practice. Your swing is definitely too nice to be scoring that high!

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On November 22, 2015 11:07:59 AM, iacas said:

Not much to change, honestly, given your scores. I think for you there's something to the idea of "getting used to the swing" a little bit, and I think there's probably something to the idea of just playing more golf.

For someone who shoots in the 90s, that's a pretty solid, good swing. How's your short game, putting, etc.?

(To be clear, there are some little things in there, but nothing that should stop you from shooting in the lower 80s.)

Re: my fat shots, from looking at the videos, what jumps out at you as to what the likely culprit is? Or would you still fit them in with simply getting used to the motions? I've found that when I allow my arms to drop when transitioning to the downswing and allow my right elbow to get more in front, my contact is much improved and reduces mishits significantly.......however, in turn it pushes my path more inward and most shots are a straight fade. I've never made it a habit out of fear that it's not "correct". Just curious

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Swings are difficult to assess but IMO 1-your swing path is too outside and upright 2-with the club face remaining shut a long way up,3-your right arm is too rigid on the way up,IMO it should be folding more.4-Your weight is on your heels and 5- the straightening of the right leg is open for discussion relative to MVMAC.These photos somewhat show the difference between you and MVMAC....hope you don't mind these critical observations.


Edited by collapse

Note: I do not answer direct questions or points raised against my untested and unproven theories, have no history of teaching anyone, and post essentially the same nonsense in everyone's Member Swing threads.

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34 minutes ago, collapse said:

Swings are difficult to assess but IMO 1-your swing path is too outside and upright 2-with the club face remaining shut a long way up,3-your right arm is too rigid on the way up,IMO it should be folding more.4-Your weight is on your heels and 5- the straightening of the right leg is open for discussion relative to MVMAC.These photos somewhat show the difference between you and MVMAC....hope you don't mind these critical observations.


I don't mind at all @collapse, that's why I'm here! I agree about the club path and face. It's what I'm currently working on and was the priority at my last lesson. When I first started, it was wayyy too inside, so I suppose this is some form of over-exaggeration that I've developed. I have a strong left hand and have tried for the past several months getting it more neutral to match the club-face, with no luck....so I've given that a break for the time being.

I've always had that straight leg in the back of my mind, but haven't addressed it. I definitely don't like the way it looks. I appreciate you taking the time, thanks again.


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  • 1 month later...


Not much to update, but thought I'd share what I've been up to. Was able to talk my wife into recording my progress today (no face on....it was actually cold in Mississippi for once; couldn't stay out too long).

As of late, I've been working on my transition and weight transfer. Trying to make sure I plant into my lead heel coming down and making sure to keep my back heel from coming up too soon/not pushing off of back toe. I've revisited my strong left hand, and have been "baby-stepping" it to a more neutral position, but it's been a struggle so far.

I have a new set of irons coming in the mail, so hopefully I'll get to the range in the next week or so for better documentation/practice.

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  • 1 month later...


Have been practicing daily lately. I saw my instructor 2 weeks ago and we cleaned up a few things:

Posture - straightened up with handle pointing to belt line. Had gotten too close to the ball and knees too bent.

Hips - I have a naturally active lower body. Been focusing on footwork to help sequencing and in turn prevent my hips from running away from me. This alone has all but eliminated any pull-miss variations.

Takeaway - I've slowly cleaned up my grip, but my takeaway began to get away from me and going too far inside. Currently working on this. I'll post a DTL when I get a better quality video

I'm happy with the progress I've made so far and my ball flight is slowly improving and becoming more consistent, though I still struggle with fat shots. Looking forward to getting on the course soon

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  • 2 months later...




Since my last post, I've been reeling in my slide and working on rotation (and no more lead hip pain!). My ball striking is better with less chunky shots, but I'm really struggling with straight fades and push fades. I'm almost wondering if I'm back to not getting forward enough and affecting the path into the ball. I've gone through old threads and assume I need to tweak my club path, but am scared to change the incorrect piece.......In my case face vs path. Would moving the ball back a touch help? In the DTL video, the ball is forward in my stance. In the face on, it's just front of center....which is further back than I am "comfortable" with/accustomed to.

Any direction would be appreciated

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15 minutes ago, Jcm288 said:

Any direction would be appreciated

Sounds like you're doing really well, have your scores come down?

As was mentioned up above, you probably need to play more. If you're still scoring in the 90s with that swing you may be playing "golf swing" instead of playing golf.

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15 minutes ago, chspeed said:

Sounds like you're doing really well, have your scores come down?

As was mentioned up above, you probably need to play more. If you're still scoring in the 90s with that swing you may be playing "golf swing" instead of playing golf.

Guilty....but I'm working on it. I think because my swing was so bad in the beginning, I've let the type-A in me chase perfection when we all know it doesn't exist. Still hovering around 90, but in my defense I haven't many free weekends to play recently. I'm hoping to play this weekend. The last time I did play, virtually every shot was a straight slice that was severe enough to put me in the next fairway.....kind of took the wind out of my sails.

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