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Last week in review.

I am on week 6 of my program.  Here it is: http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51137/Marathon-Novice-1-Training-Program Yet to miss a run

It was 3,5,3,7 (miles) and then cross training.  Went well overall.  Weather turned into winter so only did the last 3 mile outside.  Times (guessing) 29:30, 55ish, 40 (but did mapmyrun and it was 3.47 miles), then 1:18 for the 7.

For the cross training lifted.  Warmed up on a bike for 10 minutes.  Did squats, pull ups, bench, curls, dead lifts, calf raises, reverse bench (row), tri extensions.  Amazing how weak my legs were from the run the day before.  But overall felt good.

Diet is less than great.  Just can't help but overeat.

This week is a killer. 3,6,3,12.  I'm going to think about my form a little.  I've always been a heal striker and been doing a little research and all they say is that proper form is to strike the ground not on the toe but mid foot, all at the same time.  My question is about pace.  I run (well I'd hardly call it that) around 11:30 mile on my long runs, maybe even a little slower.  When you go at that pace it is almost an extension of walking which by design is heal striking.  I'm not looking to speed up, I'm just going for distance.  So I guess I'm unsure if you can't heal strike at low speeds.

Anyway, I'm going to focus on form on my short runs this week.  My knees have been hurting me so it can't hurt.


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26 miles cycling.  47 degree temps.  A bit nippy.  Wind seemed to be in my face most of the way (lol). Pace was slower than usual but legs felt a bit dead after basketball 14 hours earlier.


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I started lifting at the beginning of this year...hurt my knee....haven't been able to get back to running yet.  I am about to give up the weights and continue running only.  I ran all last year and never had any issues with knee problems.

Bryan A
"Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same"

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Rowed 1200 meters for warm up.

Turkish Get Ups 4x2 R+L (44,53s)

Double Thrusters 3x5 (44s)

Then 1 min on 1 min off of Russian Swings with a 53.

Much harder than I thought.  Hand/forearms cramps were the worst.

Pull over sit ups and pull ups to finish

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Not the smoothest of runs. Felt heavy and slow today and bloated. Must be getting my period. :)
800 @ 7 MPH, 800 @ 6.7 MPH x 3 (plus the 0.1 at the end to hit a 5K mileage), 1% incline (amazing the difference you can feel between 0, 0.5, and 1%). In some ways this run was easier physically than expected but it's a complete b!+(# mentally. I continue to have no idea how people run on treadmills. I would have given serious thought to downing a cup of cyanide if someone had offered it to me. That's the new Gatorade flavor I hear.
I would have worn my Garmin but the TM checks out so I trust its numbers. I checked my HR a few times using the sensors towards the beginning and end of the slower 800s.

Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
Director of Instruction Golf Evolution • Owner, The Sand Trap .com • AuthorLowest Score Wins
Golf Digest "Best Young Teachers in America" 2016-17 & "Best in State" 2017-20 • WNY Section PGA Teacher of the Year 2019 :edel: :true_linkswear:

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Originally Posted by Doctorfro

Kettle bell workout.  Harder than you think!

Ain't that the truth.  2 years into it and I am still blown away how often I get my butt kicked.  You think you are in shape and then....


Bench Rows R+L 3x10 (53)

Pistols R+L 3x5

Then for time..

50 pull ups (kipping allowed)

50 pushups

50 sit-ups

50 squats

800 m run ( 26 and snowing hard, I rowed 800 instead)

15:46 was my time.  Not real stoked on it.  Room for improvement.

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Treadmills. Hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them.

Okay, hate is too strong a word. I really, really, really don't like them.
Maybe I can bribe someone into putting on a short play on the corner of 10th and State so I have *something* to distract me.
I seriously considered trying to text or play 7 Little Words or something on my iPhone while running tonight.
Whatevs. #VFFs

Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
Director of Instruction Golf Evolution • Owner, The Sand Trap .com • AuthorLowest Score Wins
Golf Digest "Best Young Teachers in America" 2016-17 & "Best in State" 2017-20 • WNY Section PGA Teacher of the Year 2019 :edel: :true_linkswear:

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Went to the orthopedic yesterday - need to schedule an MRI - possibly tore my meniscus from running too much.  Twelve weeks until my marathon and I'm shut down until further notice.  At least I can still golf

Joe Paradiso

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Originally Posted by newtogolf

Went to the orthopedic yesterday - need to schedule an MRI - possibly tore my meniscus from running too much.  Twelve weeks until my marathon and I'm shut down until further notice.  At least I can still golf

If you tore your meniscus like I did, golf is not an option either.  I had no stability so I couldn't play(or at least very well).  I hate that for you though.  You should really push to get that MRI ASAP!  If you have a tear, you should definitely get it scoped so it can heal.  Six weeks and you would be good to start rehab and you might still be able to do the marathon, albeit you probably won't be setting a PR.  My knee is what ultimately got me into cycling.  That's what my doctor prescribed for rehab after my surgery.  Best thing that ever happened to me.  Lost 60 lbs. and I'm more fit than ever (and I still run and play basketball).  Get that MRI quickly!!


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I have people laugh a bit at my workout: one day a week, Super Slow strength training.  I do ski and play racquetball as well, but that is my "organized" workout.

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Thanks, waiting for the insurance company to approve it.  I'm hoping it's not torn as I do have some stability.

Originally Posted by Doctorfro

If you tore your meniscus like I did, golf is not an option either.  I had no stability so I couldn't play(or at least very well).  I hate that for you though.  You should really push to get that MRI ASAP!  If you have a tear, you should definitely get it scoped so it can heal.  Six weeks and you would be good to start rehab and you might still be able to do the marathon, albeit you probably won't be setting a PR.  My knee is what ultimately got me into cycling.  That's what my doctor prescribed for rehab after my surgery.  Best thing that ever happened to me.  Lost 60 lbs. and I'm more fit than ever (and I still run and play basketball).  Get that MRI quickly!!

Joe Paradiso

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Somehow managed to get the kiddo to go with me. VERY proud of her effort. Her hands got cold, particularly during the 15-minute hailstorm we encountered from miles 2 to 3.5. She was a trooper and didn't complain.
I let my pace wander a bit but tried to keep the average around 10:00. It's not a pace day, it's just a distance day, so 10:00 is fine. Turns out I did a pretty good job of estimating that: average for the run was 9:51. The 2 miles coming back were into the wind: it's interesting to see cadence and HR are higher than going out but pace is about the same.
Anyway, small kick at the end excluded, I felt great. I have to remind myself (which is what I'm doing now) that two months ago running 4 miles at any pace would have sucked, and I'm not sure I could have done 9:51 for two miles let alone 4. The time didn't fly but at no point did I think "ugh, when will the watch buzz next?" to signal the passing of another 0.5 miles.
Short break at the halfway point to reward the kiddo with some Honey Stingers (Cherry Blossom).

Erik J. Barzeski —  I knock a ball. It goes in a gopher hole. 🏌🏼‍♂️
Director of Instruction Golf Evolution • Owner, The Sand Trap .com • AuthorLowest Score Wins
Golf Digest "Best Young Teachers in America" 2016-17 & "Best in State" 2017-20 • WNY Section PGA Teacher of the Year 2019 :edel: :true_linkswear:

Check Out: New Topics | TST Blog | Golf Terms | Instructional Content | Analyzr | LSW | Instructional Droplets

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Yesterday, heavy day

American Swings 3x10 (62,70)

Bottoms Up farmers walk 3x8 laps (26s, 35)

High Pulls R+L 3x3 (62,70)

Snatches 3x3 (62,70)

Squats R+L 3x3 (53s,62s)

Strict Press R+L 3x3 (44,53)

Max time chin up hold....only a minute 3?  Don't know what happened?  Worked?

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