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Everything posted by Divotmaker77

  1. Unless you are just naturally gifted or have a ton of time to practice and play becoming a really good golfer is like trying to find the fountain of youth. It just a really hard game to learn and maintain skills at. The pros you see on Tour do not just play and then take 2 weeks off like many of us do. They hit thousands of balls a well and play at least 3-4+ times a week. Point being, keep your expectations in check. Your scorecard usually reflects the time you put into the game.
  2. Currently am dealing with it in my right elbow (right handed swing). I bought a copper compression band designed for golfers elbow and its made a big difference while playing. Part of my issue is the amount of weightlifting I do as well. Just going to deal with it until it gets too cold to play and let it heal on its own. Ice and rest are the two best treatments for do at home healers like myself. Do not see any need to see a doctor or physical therapist. If I was a tour player then I may feel differently. Now, if you let it go on for a really long time then there is a chance you can develop scar tissue that could cause permanent damage.
  3. My putting has improved leaps and bounds since getting fit with an EVNROLL putter. Got the ER3. Everyone is different. All i know is that is works for me. That said, if you cannot put the ball on the correct line, club face square, etc., just like anything else in the bag, does not matter what you get you are not going to get the results you want.
  4. Tried out all the new 718's. Took a few of my irons (AP1 716) and also compared with some of the other 716 models (AP2, etc). Just being honest, I did not see any difference between the 716 and 718. AP2 716 and 718 went the exact same difference, felt the same, etc. The only difference was the AP3 which looked a bit different on the ground (an in-between the AP1 and AP2 look), but I did not see a real difference in its performance. I hit all types of shots. I spent alot of time hitting off center strikes to see what kind of forgiveness each model (716/718) gave. Zero difference. That all said, the one thing I can say I did see a difference in were the shafts. I currently use the True Temper XP105. The demos I was using had the XP90 shafts. So, I will admit that I did see a difference in that, but purely the new iron head of the 718's, I did not see any difference. JMO, pure marketing gimmick.
  5. Very impressive round all things considered. Imagine if he quit basketball and solely focused on golf. Hope he plays on more events. Its great for the Web.com tour and for golf in general.
  6. Have been using one for a few months now and love it. Has taken about 3 putts off my normal putts per round average. Where I see the biggest difference is with my lag putting. Has not made any difference with short putts, but I tend to miss the center of the face on longer putts and I have noticed a pretty significant difference. The ball gets closer to the hole whereas my old Scotty would spray it further left, right, or short. I am very confident it is giving me a chance at less 3 putts which was the biggest reason I bought one. Its a very legit putter. Worth trying out, but absolutely make sure to go to someone who knows how to fit for a putter.
  7. I started playing with them a few months ago and it took me about a month to get used to them seeing that I was coming off of players irons (Mizuno). Getting much longer distances and can still work the ball well. I needed more forgiveness which they provide. Mizuno 7 iron distance was around 160-165. Getting average 175 with the AP1's and if I really crank it (with the right weather conditions) have gotten the ball into the 185-190 range. So, would say I am getting about a 10-15 yard added distance with these irons. Its pretty remarkable how hot clubs are getting now. Its allowing everyone to have a chance to play good golf as they age.
  8. Agree on the fitting. Go to someone who knows what they are doing and they can make some dramatic improvements for you if you have a decent swing and have never been fitted by a quality fitter. In regards to how much the tech has helped, I honestly believe the only legit improvement has been forgiveness. Maybe a few more yards, but if fitted properly in the past, I have strong doubts you are seeing 20+ yard improvements with each club release like TM and others market to you. There are tests that have been done but they seem to be all over the map in findings. My honest opinion is if you play a lot and have the $ I would get a new driver maybe every 3-4 years. Otherwise, save your money for lessons instead.
  9. Its helpful if you use it. I have one and have not touched it in several years. Just another training aid collecting dust.
  10. Nice to see a company who is financially struggling and for sale have all this money to pay out to Rory, Tiger, etc. Not a hater of any brand, but these guys are at a level where I highly doubt putting an Epic Driver or an M2 in Rory's hand is going to greatly change his performance. Unless TM invents a miracle putter I doubt Rory is going to start winning a bunch more majors and tournaments all of the sudden. TM was willing to pay him the most cash. Pure and simple.
  11. I am good at helping someone with a pretty flawed swing because I have had so many lessons that most of the issues average to bad golfers have I have dealt with before, but once someone has a good swing and is having issues I just tell them to go see a pro for a lesson. My HC is mostly because of short game which is something I am not naturally gifted at and do not have time to practice as much as I should. I enjoy helping fellow golfers when they need it, but I am not walking around the range offering advice when I feel like. I have been approached by total strangers at the range before trying to offer advice and I nicely tell them thanks and just go back to what I was doing. Most times I am experimenting on shot shapes, etc. and they are not aware of it.
  12. Been playing the Kirkland ball for a few weeks now. Also playing the Snell MTB and ProV1. Have rotated the balls during rounds to get a really good gauge on performance and although they all perform very similar the Snell ball is my favorite. No doubt in my mind (coming from a 10HC golfer) that they both rival the ProV1. Someone who is a low HC, Scratch, or Pro may find more differences than I can, but at my level the price point of the Snell and Kirkland is impossible to pass up. Have not tried Vice balls but have heard similar good things about it.
  13. Can't remember who said it but one of the big names said there are a lot of guys on tour who do not play to win but do just enough to make big money and/or keep their cards. I would put Poulter in that category. He has been able to cash in big with an average game (when comparing to other tour players) and a clothing gimmick that got him enough attention to get endorsements. If not for the Ryder Cup performances, his career would not even be a talking point. Not a fan, but have to give him a ton of credit. He found a way to market himself and has made a very good living with it. Appears his time in the Golf limelight is about to run out.
  14. Picked up 10 dozen the other day. Each pack has 24 balls and a limit of 5 packs per membership. Costco employee said they went through the entire pallet in about 3 hours. Have a bunch of Snell balls as well so I am not running out of golf balls anytime soon. Will give some out to my buddies.
  15. Another example of an athlete who got too much thrown at them at a very young age. She has all of the talent in the world, but just never seemed happy playing the game and had too much pressure thrown on her shoulders. Have no clue what the heck she has done to her swing over time and especially now. Everything about her evolution as a world class golfer has been a head scratcher. Never will understand someone as naturally gifted as she is making the amount of radical changes to their game. Same for Tiger. In his case he won a lot after the changes, but when it is all said and done, you just wonder what could have been if they stuck to what got them there to begin with.
  16. Lexi's emotional reaction of finding out made it pretty clear to me that she very likely was not cheating. If you cheat and get caught you may say some things, have a mean look on your face, etc. but I do not recall ever seeing someone in tears the rest of their round because of it. This is the issue with golf. You have one side who are golf purists. Gotta hit in order on the tee box based on last hole's score, extreme sticklers to the rules, etc. Then you have the group (majority) who just want to have fun. Play ready golf, pick up your ball on a blow up hole, etc. Whether you agree or disagree with the ruling yesterday it was simply a bad look on the game to the casual fan. Even Tiger commented at how ridiculous it was.
  17. It will be a little more expensive that the Swingcaddie and other devices, but this new device from Flightscope is intriguing. http://flightscopemevo.com/#!/
  18. Was talking to their rep a few weeks ago and he said they do not even know yet what they are, but will find out in July. Guessed it will be their 718 series. Release will likely be in their normal timeframe (Sept or Oct). Hard to think they will be much different than the 716 lineup. A little different look and claims of better performance. Likely will update their hybrid lineup as well. 716 lineup should not see any additions as the 718 cycle approaches. The golden rule with Titleist is they release a new driver/woods and irons/hybrids every other year (opposite of one another). Big reason I love them because their clubs keep that classic Titleist look and they do not constantly release new stuff like the others do. You can buy their stuff now and it will hold up well for several years to come.
  19. Have not played the Get Sum ball, but play the MTB now. Been very impressed with it. Compresses very well off my irons, great performance around the greens, could go on and on. Would put it up against any other ball in the marketplace right now.
  20. New Snell fan. Been extremely impressed with the My Tour ball. Feel like I get even better performance around the greens than I did with the ProV1. Distance is about the same (if not slightly better) than with the other brands. Incredible performance/value ball that you have to try if you are looking to save some $ on balls.
  21. Both are great clubs. You can't go wrong with either. Comes down to personal choice.
  22. Been playing the Mizuno MP-54's for about 4 years now. Switching over to the AP1's. Honestly, unless you are a low HC player who is a solid/consistent ball striker and shotmaker I think you need as much help as you can get. It was the ego in me thinking I needed to upgrade to a better player's iron as my HC came down, but in reality I am not consistent enough to hit them really well. The technology in the newer GI irons allows to work the ball better than older technology which was the main reason I upgraded because I wanted more "freedom" working the ball. Problem is when my swing is off these irons are punishing. 7-P not as bad but 4-6 absolutely. I do not know your game, but you may want to think about doing a combo set. Get 7/8-P AP2 and 4-6/7 AP1 (if Titleist is the brand you are going with). Best of both worlds. Players iron for the easier clubs to hit and more forgiveness with the lower irons 4-6. Your launch angle very well may be the type of shafts the AP2's have. A lot of factors involved, but if your swing has not changed then that may be the deal.
  23. IMO, you should never get fitted without a good simulator system (Trackman, Flightscope, GC2, etc). Also, I am not a believer in getting fitted in an indoor sim. I know most places do it and there are some really good fitters who do it that way only. Again, JMO, you cannot see the actual ball flight in an indoor sim setting and hitting off a mat is easier to do. Much prefer being fitted at a range and hitting off of the grass to get the most accurate results. Speaking of the RBZ, friend of mine who hits the ball a mile and accurately still plays with that driver. Won't change until it breaks. Was and still is a great driver from TM. Agree on the Epic. Some will disagree, but I remember hearing about this revolutionary technology (Jailbreak) back in the fall and its frankly more marketing hype. Have tried out the new M1, M2, Epic and others and frankly the performance is nothing earth shattering compared to last year's models. No doubt, great drivers and if you have to money to spend then by all means get one, but if your current driver is performing well then I do not see any reason to get a new one.
  24. I am in the same boat right now. Play Mizuno MP-54's and am looking for something with more forgiveness and a little more length. Have been looking closely at the Apex CF-16. Callaway also makes a combo set in the Apex line with the Apex Pro-8-P and CF 3-7. Also looking at the AP-1/AP-2 mixed set. A lot of great options in the marketplace right now. Comes down to how much you want to spend and what hit hit best.
  25. Do not want to give his name out, but one of my clients is a former PGA tour player. Easily the best player I have ever played with. He was what you would call a journeyman on tour, but did win several millions of dollars and is not hurting these days. The putter gave him issues or he would have done much better on tour because ball striking is definitely not an issue. Its interesting to watch someone at that level play the game. Club selection, course management, shot making abilities, etc. Its really cool to watch. Makes me realize how much I do not know about the game, but I try and learn as much as I can when I have the chance to play with him.
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